To make your shopping experience as easy as possible:
- Start with logging in by clicking at “Log in/Register profile” at the top right corner.
- If you’re a new customer, click at the same icon but choose “Register a new profile” instead.
- Then start looking through the different categories at the menu at the top. Here you will find our complete assortment.
- Click on a product to get more information about specific product features, fabric, measurements etc.
Find something you like?:
- Choose colour and size and click on “Add to shopping bag”.
- If you’re unsure what size to choose – click on the Size Guide to learn more.
- At the top right-hand corner, you can have a look at the products you’ve added to your shopping bag.
All set and ready to order?
- Go to the shopping bag at the top right-hand corner again and click on “To checkout”.
- If you’re not logged in yet, you can do this here. This is the easiest way to make sure we can give you the best customer service possible, as well as making it easier for you the next time you’re shopping at
- Next step is to choose shipping and payment option.
- Click on “Confirm purchase”.
- When it’s all done you will receive an order confirmation to your email.
Read more about our terms & conditions for online shopping here.
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